Let Us Help

Do I Need a Doctor's Referral?

As direct access healthcare providers, a doctor's referral is not obligatory to consult with them. Nonetheless, certain extended health insurance plans may demand a referral from a physician to obtain benefits related to physiotherapy or occupational therapy.

What Payment Methods Do You Accept?

We accept cash, e-transfer, debit cards, and credit cards (MasterCard and Visa).

I Have Insurance Coverage. How Does That Work?

A significant portion, or even the entirety, of the treatment cost is often covered by the majority of insurance plans. It is advisable to contact your insurance company and confirm the percentage of coverage provided by your plan.

The insurer may impose a maximum dollar limit, which can vary depending on the policy. Health plans may establish an annual limit, which means a cap on their yearly expenditure towards the benefits covered by the plan.

How Do I Get Reimbursed by My Insurance Company?

This is usually the process followed: you make the payment for the treatment, we provide you with a receipt, and you can then claim reimbursement for the expenses incurred from your private insurance company. To ensure that you are eligible for reimbursement and obtain information regarding the specifics, it is recommended that you contact your insurance company.

What If I Am Unsure of My Coverage or How to Pay?

Whatever your situation may be, our priority is to ensure that you receive the necessary care. If you are worried about the cost of the services provided by Réadaptation Mobile, please get in touch with Martin Nguyen, and he will assist you in finding a solution.